Become the new & true version of you.
Stories aren’t just meant to be told; they’re meant to be shared.
When you collaborate & create, the project becomes a shared adventure.
Transfiguration starts from within. Once you experience a changed heart, you can become a catalyst to inspire & empower others to change their lives too.
raging seas & rising suns
This (hopefully) masterpiece-in-the-making is my book, which will be 1/2 memoir & 1/2 self-help. It focuses on mental health, faith, and practical ways to experience healing.
Episodes are about 10 minutes on topics ranging from mental health, self-help techniques, faith, reflections, encouragements & current events commentary.
The Vision vs. The Reality
Guys, I want to shoot you straight: It’s like I’ve been on one of those rickety wooden rollercoasters where I’m not sure if my seatbelt is secured properly.
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