The Vision vs. The Reality
Guys, I want to shoot you straight: It's like I've been on one of those rickety wooden rollercoasters where I'm not sure if my seatbelt is secured properly.
It's like I had this vision of a garden in full bloom but right now most of the plants are withering.
It's like I had a dream where the seas are completely still, with the rising sun's colors so gloriously complementing the clouds in brilliant reds and oranges and yellows.
But then there’s the present reality.
I’ve had to be hospitalized twice for mental health concerns within the last couple months.
I went to Sanctuary Clinics in Florida to prioritize getting healing, medication changes, and intensive therapy.
I thought I was hitting the play button, but I really needed to hit pause. I needed rest, recharge, and rehabilitation. I needed to get my mental health balanced so that I could pursue the vision again.
And I’m still facing challenges with mania and depression as I battle with my bipolarity.
The vision is for my book I’m still drafting, raging seas & Rising Suns, to inspire and help others. My goal is to include all the mental health resources and self-help techniques that have been most helpful for me in one place so they can hopefully help others too.
The vision is to speak about mental health to the masses so that others can get the support they need.
The vision is to become a life coach so that I can be an encouragement to people one-on-one and walk with them as they become the new & true versions of themselves.
How can I make my new reality into the vision? First, I can’t force things. Second, I need to be patient. Third, I want to trust Papa and my Best Friend to orchestrate all things together by the power of the Spirit of Love.
It’s a process. It’s not going remotely as smoothly as I’d hoped. But I do trust the process.